Try setting a value for frameskip in core options.Try disabling rewind, runahead, and anything related to the savestates system in retroarch.Try lowering audio settings in the core options.
If it is not enough, upgrade or overclock your hardware.Game XXX runs faster in MAME2003/MAME2010, why ? Most likely for the same reason as above.
This is not MAME, we are using different code. Overall, FB Alpha is slower than old MAME version but more accurate and less buggy. This libretro port also support various features which are usually buggy or absent in MAME cores (netplay, rewind, retroachievements. There should be partial support through the new API relying on main ram exposition.
You need a copy of neocdz.zip and neogeo.zip in your libretro system directory. You need to add -subsystem neocd to the command line. Supported format are ccd/sub/img iso (trurip), and single file MODE1/2352 bin/cue (use utilities like "CDmage" to convert your iso if needed). You can convert your unsupported isos by following this tutorial : File > Open > select your iso (NB : for multi-track, select the. File > Save As > write the name of your new file. Make sure you select MODE1/2352 in the second drop-down. Press OK, wait for the process to finish (a few seconds on my computer), and it’s done !. It is only running at playable speed on x86_64 (other arch will basically need a cpu at 4Ghz because they lack a mips3 dynarec), and the core needs to be built like this to enable this dynarec : make -j5 -f makefile.libretro USE_X64_DRC=1.